(Hello Africa) Youngsters in Namibian informal settlement hope to dance to a better future

2023-02-22 19:47:44   来源:新华社

West Uarije, the founder of West Dance Center, guides children on how to dance professionally in Windhoek, Namibia, on Feb. 21, 2023. (Photo by Ndalimpinga Iita/ Xinhua)

A group of youngsters poured their feelings into rhythmic feet, stomping to the sound of music under the instruction of a dance teacher at West Dance Center in the Havana informal settlement on the outskirts of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia.

WINDHOEK, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The sun was at its peak, and its light brightened the indoor space of a corrugated iron structure in the Havana informal settlement on the outskirts of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia.

A group of youngsters poured their feelings into rhythmic feet, stomping to the sound of music under the instruction of a dance teacher at the center.

For 14-year-old Mary, joining the dance center was not only for fun but an escape from the challenges of limited children-friendly spaces in the community. "My goal is to master the steps so that I can become a great performer," she said.

West Uarije, a professional dancer, is using his professional performance skills to help youngsters in the area dance to a better future.

Uairje opened the center in 2018 after noticing a need for more conducive activities for children in the area, especially to indulge after school and during the holidays.

West Uarije, the founder of West Dance Center, guides children on how to dance professionally in Windhoek, Namibia, on Feb. 21, 2023. (Photo by Ndalimpinga Iita/ Xinhua)

The center offers dance and art, teaching children techniques such as steps, rhythm, timing, and punctuality, among other elements. Uairije relies on formal qualifications obtained from the College of the Arts to train youngsters.

The current cohort of 47 youngsters is trained for free, and Uairje sustains the center with funds generated from artistic work.

"Here we have a problem of bad street influence, teenage pregnancies, alcohol, and drug abuse. We have to, therefore, groom children while they are young. Although often overlooked, art can give hope to children, especially in informal settlements and communities prone to social problems," he said on Tuesday.

The lessons offered at the center have boosted the youngsters' confidence, further developing their ability to express themselves.

"I am not as shy as I used to be. Even back at school, I participate in classroom topics confidently. I know I have a voice, but more exciting to recognize my passion for art," Mary said.

Despite progress made in shaping the youngsters, the center faces some challenges. Looking into the future, Uairije planned to foster cooperation and diversify the offering in the center.

Uarije said his mission is to influence children, one step at a time and continuously. 

【记者:NdalimpingaIita,Chen Cheng 】