Feature: Dominicans thank China for support in COVID-19 fight

2023-02-09 16:14:50   来源:新华社

A staff member transports China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines at the international airport of Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, Feb. 23, 2021. (Dominican Republic's Vicepresidency/Handout via Xinhua)

"With Chinese vaccines, the Dominican Republic again sees hope and light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against the novel coronavirus," the Dominican Republic's Vice President Raquel Pena once said.

SANTO DOMINGO, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Recalling the pandemic fight in the Dominican Republic, Lorraine Hernandez, who works at a health center in the country's capital city Santo Domingo, thanked China for providing vaccines that have helped her protect her family and take better care of patients.

"The first vaccine that we doctors and health personnel received two years ago was the Chinese Sinovac (COVID-19 vaccine) ... My family members also got vaccinated with Chinese vaccines," Hernandez said, stressing that Chinese vaccines played a key role in protecting medical personnel and curbing the spread of the pandemic in the country.

Hernandez is among millions of Dominicans who have benefited from Chinese vaccines. In early 2021, when the virus was spreading fast in the Dominican Republic and the world was facing a tight vaccine supply, China provided the country with vaccines and other materials.

"With Chinese vaccines, the Dominican Republic again sees hope and light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against the novel coronavirus," the Dominican Republic's Vice President Raquel Pena once said.

Raquel Pena (2nd R, front), vice president of the Dominican Republic, receives a batch of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines with an official delegation at the international airport of Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, Feb. 23, 2021. (Dominican Republic's Vicepresidency/Handout via Xinhua)

Meanwhile, the Chinese government, companies and institutions have donated medical supplies, such as ventilators, face masks and thermographic inspection devices, to the Caribbean island country. The two sides have also shared experiences in combatting the virus via video meetings.

Recognizing China for its support during the pandemic, the Senate of the Dominican Republic has recently presented China with an award. The Senate's Vice President Santiago Zorrilla conferred the certificate of honor on Chinese Ambassador to the Caribbean nation Zhang Run earlier this month.

Zorrilla said at the ceremony that the Dominican Republic will always remember China's timely assistance in its darkest hour. "The president, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, all Dominicans are highly grateful to China," he added.

"I received two doses of Chinese vaccines, and so did my family members," Zorrilla told Xinhua, noting that China brought hope to the Dominican people and helped Dominicans return to everyday life as much as possible.

"When the world was shrouded in darkness by the pandemic, China stepped up and offered us help, demonstrating (the spirit of) solidarity and cooperation," Senator Aris Yvan Lorenzo said. "We Dominicans feel very grateful to the Chinese people."

Lorenzo, who proposed the motion to award China, recalled that the motion received unanimous support from senators of various parties, reflecting extensive gratitude to China.

"I will also teach my children to be grateful and responsible," Lorenzo said. 

【记者:Zhu Wanjun 】